Brief Test Description for Now...
...Gary and Sunny, the first test dog team, did the test without handling and with a hunt. Lorraine and Fannie are after their fourth bird at this time.
Insert: Lorraine is currently handling.
The test is a land quad...there are pieces of water in this beautiful field at Gary McIlwains property; for those of you that were here four years ago, we are in the portion of field where the 10th series was held at that time.
This test is a mixed bag--meaning several different birds--and has two flyers and two retired birds. A long right-hand bird, a dead hen pheasant, is thrown first at 306 yards distant, followed by a left middle short dead hen pheasant at 106 yards across a road. These two both retire. Third is a drake mallard flyer at right-middle position and at a distance of 310 yards...yes, this bird and the first dead bird are about equi-distant, but it doesn't really look like it from line. Then, in a swing to the left, a big rooster pheasant flyer is shot into the test at 155 yards.
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