Power Play...
...Or lack thereof. We've gone through two major battery packs today up here in the reporter/press box... I had these in November and they served me well but with an extra computer up here (near the line) and longer days to boot... well, suffice to say we've got two more packs on hold until we can get there to pick them up. We'll charge them as best we can tonight and have them out here to supplement our efforts tomorrow and the rest of the week.
Currently, dog #51 is running as we endeavor to rerun these no-bird teams.
If anything exciting does occur between now and the time the test concludes (most likely with dogs remaining for the morning), you can bet I'll be back on here tonight with anything newsworthy.
Please join me either later tonight or in the a.m., whichever comes first. :) And, thanks for tuning in.
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